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Is a good LinkedIn profile really worth all the hype?

When most people hear about creating an online presence and building a network, they tend to focus only on having a good LinkedIn profile. So in this Insight, we are going to discuss whether having a good LinkedIn profile is worth the hype.

As it turns out, the profile alone isn’t enough to increase your professional success or establish you as an expert in your field.

You also need to ensure that you engage with other members of the site so that you can add content and learn more about them. As you continue to learn more about networking and how to grow your business, you will find that the value of a solid LinkedIn profile really does grow and develop along with your own business goals and objectives.


The simple fact of the matter is that the more you participate online, the more potential business you will gain. The world of the Internet has changed dramatically over the past few years. Before you even had a chance to introduce yourself to anyone, your network and connections were formed largely through social media sites like Facebook, Twitter and MySpace.

Today, if you want to stay ahead of the curve, you have to be actively involved online. Otherwise, you’ll likely end up slipping further behind the other marketers who are getting the most benefit from the most efficient tools available.


One of the first things you should do to get the most out of your profile is to invest some time and effort into creating a meaningful page on the site. The first thing that any visitor to the site will see is your profile. Make it interesting enough for them to want to know more. If you can provide unique content on a regular basis, your name will become synonymous with quality and expertise on the site.

The next step you should take is to participate regularly on the site. There are many ways to do this, but one of the easiest is to regularly comment on posts made by other members. This content should be helpful to the community and it should draw people to your profile page. People will be drawn to your content if you have relevant, valuable information and are willing to share it with others.

As you develop your profile and participate regularly on the site, you’ll find that it’s not something that you need to do very often. It will become more like a habit rather than something you need to do to build your reputation and career. In fact, you probably won’t need to do any pushing to have people visit your profile. When they find the content they’re interested in and feel like you’re a worthwhile person to follow, they’ll simply follow the link to your profile.

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The final part of creating a solid profile on LinkedIn is to create a meaningful network on the site. You can start by following other business people, posting comments on their pages, and connecting with other professionals through groups or emails. All of these activities will build your credibility within the site. Eventually, you’ll find that it becomes second nature to share information and build relationships on the site.


So is a good LinkedIn profile really worth all the hype? There are certainly advantages to having one. Getting involved in conversations with important people will provide you with an opportunity to learn more about them. You may even discover that they have some great recommendations for your position or service. However, if you make your profile full of buzzwords and include too many pictures, you’ll probably wind up getting ignored by most of your contacts.

In short, is a good LinkedIn profile really worth all the hype? Certainly not! What you should aim for instead is a solid profile that shows off your strengths and interests. Include a few helpful tips and links, and then develop and nurture your relationship with those people on the site. Over time, your followers and connections will come naturally. At the end of the day, you should be proud of yourself for putting forth the effort and hard work to build a good profile.


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