Do Bigger Agencies Mean Bigger Results?

It’s very easy to search Google and think that the agency with the biggest clients and highest number of staff is the right agency for you. Using a large agency will give you some reassurance that they will deliver your project exactly how you want it. Or will it?

Does Size Matter?

Now I’ve got your attention I want to share with you a few reasons why choosing a large agency doesn’t necessarily mean you will get the results you want.

Yes, larger agencies with brilliant portfolios can seem appealing, but will they be right for your business?

Most agencies have developed a niche for a market they do particularly well in. Take the automotive business for example, there are agencies that only work with automotive businesses. This may seem very unproductive as they are limiting the businesses they work with, but they are just building a case to be approached by the big fish in their selected industry.

These agencies may only have a handful of employees, but they will more than likely deliver you a better job than a large agency who has no experience in that industry. Becoming a specialist and having relevant experience is why agencies do so well.

A smaller agency will almost always give you a more personal level of service and be more willing to invest time and effort into your project because they are grateful of your business, whereas a larger one will see you as just a number not a valued client.

Ultimately the choice is yours. Try shopping around, not just for prices, but for agencies you feel will add real value to your business. Build a lasting relationship and grow your businesses together whatever size agency you choose.

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