Is Your Website Ready For Christmas

Yea yea, I know. Summer has not even passed yet and I’m already talking about Christmas. Who is this guy, right? Believe it or not I’m not actually Buzz Killington or some crazy fanatic that waits for Christmas all year round.

But the time is now to get your website ready for this coming festive season!

Working at an agency we advise our ecommerce clients to get prepared for Christmas 6 months in advance. Better to be over prepared than under prepared, right?

The reason we do this is because we learn from the colossal messes we have witnessed in recent years. With people scared to visit stores due to the madness and violence that takes place, consumers, particularly in the last 3/4 years, have taken to ordering online. It’s still surprising year after year how retail giants like Argos and Tesco buckle under the pressure and their websites cant cope with the demands.

Don’t let this be your business! Get ready to soar and make sales this coming Christmas and get prepared early.

Things to take into consideration.

Start to place orders and stock and ensure you can serve your customers’ demands this Christmas. Do some analysis and figure out what were your best sellers last year. That way you can prepare your marketing effectively around what you know your customers will buy.

Keep an eye on trends. This way you can relate your products to current affairs which makes your product relevant to the time of the year and occasion.

Your Website

Most importantly, your website is your shop. If your customers are doing last minute shopping (usually us guys a few days before Christmas day) they need to know that products are going to make it on time so be clear with order times and delivery.

Make sure your website is functioning correctly, customers don’t want to be waiting around at check out areas or waiting for product pages to load. Everything needs to run smooth and seamlessly.

Consider adding a Christmas category to your website where customers can view festive deals or bargain buys.

One final point to consider is that consumers like ease of access. With the digital era we now live in, consumers need to be able to use their mobile phone to place orders with no hiccups. 42.3% of consumers place orders via their mobile device. So, ensure your website is responsive and gives your customer a pain free experience.

That way you will be sure to increase sales.


Christmas may seem like a lightyear away. But not before too long, it will have crept up on you, so get prepared and don’t find yourself as a business owner panicking last minute.

If you have any concerns about getting prepared for the festive season, Christmas sales, or the black Friday rush, then give us a phone call and get prepared for your stock to fly off your proverbial shelves.

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