Joanna Becomes Google Accredited

She has done it! Our very own Joanna Byrne has further enhanced her skillset by officially becoming Google certified.

Since joining the business Joanna has flourished and added tangible value to Moirae’s amazing clients through her digital experience and expertise.

Joanna becoming Google certified is brilliant for her own professional development and it allows our agency to stand out as digital experts in the Sheffield City Region.

Exams which Joanna has passed include:

  • Google Analytics Individual Qualification
  • Google Ads Search Certification
  • Google Ads Mobile Certification
  • Shopping Ads Certification
  • Google Ads Fundamentals

Joanna heads up the digital side of the agency and has huge ambitions for growth and plans to share her knowledge whilst nurturing a team of her own.

She said: “My first 6 months with Moirae has been a pleasure and whilst I have learnt a lot, I am confident with the value I have added to our clients across multiple sectors. I am under no illusion that there has been significant growth in digital over the last few years, and I expect to put Moirae on the map as a digital powerhouse in the Yorkshire region.”

With Joanna’s passion and drive, we certainly expect change and growth #watchthisspace.

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