The MD's Column Q2

It’s been an exciting 3 months at Moirae Towers, we have recently been planning our 3-year growth plan and how we can transition into being the top agency in the north of England.

Attending the Prolific North awards really put things into perspective that what we are doing is effective for our clients, but also, we are on the right path. Our challenge now is to demonstrate to our clients new and old that we can be more than suppliers, we want to be partners that help drive their businesses forward. You’ll hear more about how we want to do this very soon.

I’d like to congratulate some people also this month, Alex and Matt for achieving 1 year with us in the Business Development Team, it can be a rollercoaster of a job working in new business, they can go all day with not a soul wanting to speak to them, then bang they land a top meeting with a global brand. Well done guys give yourselves a massive pat on the back.

I’d also like to reach out and congratulate my right arm – Matthew Spiby. Matt has been with us for 5 years now, and in that time, I have seen him go from shy, quiet apprentice to a strong, effective leader. It seems this term Matt has had more celebrations than Mars, the birth of his daughter, his wedding and now 5 years at Moirae – you’ll have to ask him which one he is proudest of.

Finally I’d like to welcome our new clients, Concorde BGW Group, Your Tiles, Cidon Construction, Cirque Consulting and Morgan Lambert.

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