Rise of the Studio Manager – 5 Years at Moirae
Rise of the Studio Manager – 5 Years at Moirae

Rise of the Studio Manager – 5 Years at Moirae

It is with a great sense of pride that we write this article. Our Studio Manager, Matt Spiby, marks 5 years at Moirae Creative

Matt joined the business as a fresh-faced apprentice looking to make an impact in the most exciting industry of all, marketing. On joining the business, it was clear to senior management that Matt had exceptional skills in project management, and this was immediately recognised.

Whilst Matt initially had his eye on a development role at Moirae, he was approached and asked if he could be interested in the role of a Project Executive. This role would involve managing projects, scheduling time for studio, creating timelines for projects, and generally being a guiding hand for the wider team. With an air of excitement, Matt quickly replied “YES”!

This would turnout to be his first promotion in the business. After 3 years of successful projects delivered, numerous studio recruits, hundred of timelines delivered, he was asked to step into the role of Studio Manager by the Managing Director. As expected, he took to this like a proverbial duck to water and has never looked back.

Talking about his 5 years at Moirae, Matt said: “Time flies when you are having fun they say. It seems like a lifetime ago when I joined the business. Since I have been at Moirae, I have grown professionally and personally. I have developed my own management style and I look forward to another 5 years, who knows where this rollercoaster of an industry can take us”.

During his time at Moirae Creative, Matt beat strong competition and achieved runner up in the Rising Star category at the annual Doncaster Business Awards in 2018.

A success story if you have ever heard one! Congratulations Matt Spiby!

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