
Moirae make huge ‘Impact’ at International Digital Marketing Awards

Fantastic news at Moirae this week as we have been recognised with seven international awards for our ‘stunning and innovative’ work with world-renowned British Steel, Open Door Auctions, Business Doncaster, LED Aesthetics and one of the leading teaching training school alliances: Partners in Learning.

The Digital Impact Awards benchmark digital communications in the corporate space, an area that continues to innovate year on year. Held at the Brewery, in central London, the 2017 event welcomed attendees from a variety of companies and agencies, all vying for the coveted prizes on offer.

Comedian, Russell Kane, was on-hand to present the evening’s proceedings. Russell kept the audience entertained, while a variety of guest presenters announced the winners of 37 categories, ranging from ‘Best corporate website,’ to ‘Best community development.’

We were one of only three agencies outside of London to be shortlisted and we took home gold in ‘Best Use of Digital in the Industrial / Basic Materials’ for our work with British Steel. Not only that, we also picked up silver in ‘Best Digital Rebrand’ and bronze in ‘Best Intranet’ also for our work with British Steel.

The awards kept flowing throughout the night as we were also handed two bronze awards. One for our work with We Are Doncaster in the category ‘Best Use of Digital in the Public Sector’, and one for Partners in Learning in the category ‘Best Use of Digital in the Education Sector’. It wasn’t over there though, we also scooped up two highly commended awards. One for the ‘Best Use of Digital in the Property sector’ for Open Door Auctions and another for ‘Best Evaluation Strategy’ for LED Aesthetics.




Our very own MD, David Plant, stated: “We are overwhelmed that the hard work of our team, who have worked tirelessly with all our clients, has been acknowledged. Just to be shortlisted is an honour, but to win is a joyous feeling”.

Andrew Thomas, publishing editor of Communicate magazine and founder of the Digital Impact Awards, says, “Last year was one of the most competitive of years in the entire history of the awards programme. Yet this year’s awards signified the leaps and bounds that digital communications are continuing to make across the professional plateau. The sheer quality and character of the evening’s winners exemplifies not only the homogeneity of today’s digital communications, but equally its importance.”

We were honoured to share the stage of success with huge brands such as HSBC, Unilever, Adidas, Waterstones and Greggs, in a front of a room brimming full of industry experts.

The achievement comes following a record-breaking year for us after picking up seven awards at the Transform Europe Awards in March 2017 including the internationally-recognised ‘Grand Prix’.


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