Moirae Turns 10!
Moirae Turns 10!

Moirae Turns 10!

We are not a team to get overly emotional about business, but it is with a sense of pride that we are writing this post. Why? You guessed it. We are 10 years old!

We launched in 2009 as a web design agency and have grown rapidly to become one of the leading creative agencies in South Yorkshire. We had no idea how far we would come when we set out, and we certainly didn’t expect to win industry specific awards at international ceremonies like the Transform Awards.

So much has happened since 2009; a global crisis, economic downturn, recovery, Brexit, Donald Trump, and the list goes on.

But, Moirae has thrived!

We have expanded our skill set, grew our team, won awards, landed national clients, rebranded a leading entertainment attraction in Yorkshire, and much more.

Not all our staff have been here from the beginning but that doesn’t mean to say they haven’t contributed along the way.  

A success story is a member of our team; Matt Spiby. He joined our business as an apprentice and has worked his way up to become an essential cog in the Moirae wheel. He now works as our Studio Manager and ensures all projects run smoothly and are completed on time and within budget. Keeping not just our office happy, but our clients also.

We see all this as just the beginning and we have our skates on ready for the next 10 years. Who knows what could happen? Maybe an international office!

One thing that last 10 years has taught us is that nothing is out of reach for our ambitious Yorkshire based agency.

So yeah! What a difference a decade makes.

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